About Us
We go to car shows, swap meets, salvage lots, online auctions, your neighbor's garage, old barns, and the woods looking for classic cars from which we can reclaim parts. On rare occasions they even walk through our door. However, we pass on all but 2% of the parts we find, so don't be offended if we dont want to give you a core credit for your old one. The old saying that garbage in means garbage out is true. If you are going to put the time, effort, and materials into making something great, don't start with something disappointing. Next, we disassemble pieces in the least destructive manner possible, set aside unsalvageable components, typically rubber, glass, plastic, or textiles, for pattern making and fabrication. The remainder of the parts are analyzed, stripped of finishes and corrosion, repaired, and refinished. This can mean welding, polishing, replating, rechroming, or automotive epoxy primers, and correct finishes. During this process, some parts are scrapped due to hidden damage, corrosion, or operational testing that suggests a lack of durability. We even cry a little bit, so you don't have to. Sometimes we have to buy a whole assembly or even a car, just to obtain the correct part to repair something, and yes, our wallets hurt just like yours do. With respect to corrosion, we do not use fillers or high build primers to hide pitting. What you see is what you get. In exceptional cases where a part is particularly rare or the imperfections are just an asthetic compromise, filler is used sparingly and will be disclosed to the customer in the description before a transaction. Lastly, the parts are reassembled, tested, calibrated, lubricated and packaged to minimize shelf wear, in anticpation of delivery to a customer. We have designed our offerings to be installed in a straightforward manner by someone with a reasonable level of mechanical experience and tools at hand. We recommend consulting the appropriate factory assembly instruction manual for assembly sequences, torques, and part numbers as a guide to disassembly and reassembly.